Specifications |
Competition |
Atlas |
R Value |
R-Values range from 4.17 to 6.3
(U-values of 0.24 to 0.158), using a variety of calculation techniques |
Calculated using the ASHRAE
method, Atlas Thermal Insulated rolling doors have an R-value of 6.25
(U-value of 0.16) |
Insulation |
Most competitors use polystyrene
held in place with glue or adhesive, while others use polyurethane blocks
slid loosely into place without bonding, These methods leave gaps and
voids between all surfaces. |
Atlas Thermal Doors are
insulated with environmentally safe, pressure-injected polyurethane foam
which expands and cures between the slats. This results in a very
effective thermal barrier with no gaps or voids. |
Construction |
Most competitors only offer
steel exteriors and interiors with no thermal breaks. Others offer a steel
exterior with a plastic interior "cap" slat, leaving voids in
the insulated surface. Both methods drastically reduce thermal efficiency. |
Atlas' insulated slat uses two
full steel skins (standard) with no metal to metal contact, providing a
complete thermal barrier over the full surface of the slat. |
Material |
Limited by product design, many
competitors are unable to offer slat materials other than steel or
plastic. |
Offering the largest selection
of interior and exterior slat materials, Atlas can provide thermal door
slats in galvanized steel (standard), primed steel, stainless steel, and
aluminum. Any combination of materials for the interior and exterior skins
is acceptable, further enabling you to match the architectural motif and
specifications of any job. |